What is IBM Qradar ?
IBM® Security QRadar® SIEM
consolidates log source event data from thousands of devices endpoints and
applications distributed throughout a network. It performs immediate
normalization and correlation activities on raw data to distinguish real
threats from false positives.
What is Syslog ?
In computing, syslog is a
widely used standard for message logging. It permits separation of the software
that generates messages, the system that stores them, and the software that
reports and analyzes them.
Computer system designers
may use syslog for system management and security auditing as well as general
informational, analysis, and debugging messages. A wide variety of devices,
such as printers and routers, and message receivers across many platforms use
the syslog standard. This permits the consolidation of logging data from
different types of systems in a central repository. Implementations of syslog
exist for many operating systems.
Each message is labeled
with a facility code, and assigned a severity label. The facility code
indicates the software type of the application that generated the message.
The destination of
messages may be directed to various destinations, tuned by facility and
severity, including console), files, remote syslog servers, or relays.
implementations provide a command line utility, often called logger, as well as
a link library, to send messages to the log.How can we submit events to QRadar?
The simplest way to send events to QRadar is using LEEF format to Syslog .
LEEF format formula:
LEEF Event format example:
Jan 18 11:07:53
LEEF:1.0|QRadar|QRM|1.0|NEW_PORT_DISCOVERD|src= dst=
sev=5 cat=anomaly msg=this is a message
More about LEEF format here:
LEEF Format in IBM QRadarDefinition of a "log source" in IBM QRadar
Through the Admin tab , go to "log sources" and define a new Log Source as pictured by the instructions below:
Sending events to QRadar using apache log4j
public class QRadarSink {
private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(QRadarSink.class.getName());
private static final String LOGGER_NAME = "SYSLOG";
private static final String PATTERN_PREFIX = "%d{MMM dd
HH:mm:ss} ";
private static final String PATTERN_POSTFIX = " %m%n";
public QRadarSink(String
destinationHost, String port)
throws UnknownHostException
hostname = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName();
PatternLayout layout = new PatternLayout(PATTERN_PREFIX + hostname + PATTERN_POSTFIX);
syslog = new SyslogAppender();
+ ":" + port);
public void
pushEventToQradar(String message) {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
sink = new QRadarSink("","514");
sink.pushEventToQradar("LEEF:1.0|InfoSphereStreams|PedictiveBlacklisting|1.0|NEW_EVENT_DISCOVERD|src= dst= devTime=Jul 20 2015 14:05:20 devTimeFormat=MMM
dd yyyy HH:mm:ss proto=4 sev=9 filterMatched=nonMatched");